10 and Under Tennis using the QuickStart Tennis play format takes a new and better approach to introducing kids to the game. Balls are lower in compression; they bounce lower and don't move as fast so they are easier to hit. This allows kids time to get to the ball and helps them develop optimal swing patterns. Racquets are sized for small hands, and the courts are smaller and easier to cover. All that equals more fun and less frustration. Full sized courts can be reconfigured to accommodate up to six 36-foot courts, so instead of waiting in line, kids can spend their time playing. But tennis has finally caught up. 10 and Under Tennis follows the same logic as other youth sports like baseball or soccer: kid-sized courts and kid-sized equipment. The benefits are immediate. Within an hour kids are rallying, having fun and psyched for more. They're playing real tennis and having real fun. And isn't that the point? The first is spontaneous play. This can be as simple as hitting off a wall outside, and practicing hand-eye coordination and getting a feel for the ball and racquet. Courts can be set up at home in driveways or backyards - no different than the way kids play catch or shoot baskets. Second is some kind of supervised play with parents or organizers getting a group of young players at local courts just as they would any other youth sport. Lastly is structured play within an organized 10 and Under Tennis program. The common theme with each of these types of play? Play. Get kids playing with the right racquets and low compression balls, and let them have fun. |